
Two Hospital Stays in a Month’s Time

In the span of a month (from mid-January to mid-February of 2021), I was hospitalized twice at Reston Hospital Center, Progressive Care Unit, in Reston, VA…

…with both stays, I quickly developed cellulitis of my left leg followed by a high fever and sepsis.  Since my lymphedema has become so large, I’m told I can expect frequent cellulitis due to stagnation of blood and lymphatic fluid in my left leg.  I need to exercise it as much as I’m able, bathe and moisturize it to prevent cracking, bleeding, and infection, and expect more frequent bouts of cellulitis.  Once my current regimen of antibiotics is over from my latest hospital stay, I’m hoping to start taking Lasix to reduce my lymph retention.

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3 years ago

Is there any massage device available that would be useful in lymphatic drainage? I have a friend that is a hand OT and she helps people after breast cancer surgery when/if they develop lymphatic side effects. Perhaps there is a leg device that will help? Hoping for a successful resolution.