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Starting Anew as a Creator on Medium

I was curious how difficult it was to be a Writer and Contributor to Medium, so I wrote my first Story as Starting Anew as a Creator on Medium.

I still prefer to keep most of my content and efforts on https://tayledras.com and https://tayledras.com/wiki but I could see the value of writing content and articles for Medium. I may write more articles about my experiences with Cancer and my efforts in Information Technology.

Ken Foreman, learning how to load and play Tic-Tac-Toe on a MITS Altair 8800
Ken Foreman, learning how to load and play Tic-Tac-Toe on a MITS Altair 8800

Many years ago, I was a young boy who loved and adored his grandfather. My grandfather, whom I called “Pop-Pop”, taught me first on a MITS Altair 8800 as I loaded and played BASIC programs like Tic-Tac-Toe.

From the Altair 8800, I moved onto the TRS-80 Model III, the IBM PC/XT, PC/AT, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, and every generation of Intel and Apple processor since.

I have fond memories of using the Macintosh SE in an age of IBM PCs, finding Apple to be much more polished and usable. From the Motorola 68K processor to the PowerPC, I used Metrowerks CodeWarrior and Hypercard for my Macintosh development before Apple switched from PowerPC to Intel (and now they’re switching back to ARM, oh the irony!)

Fast forward 40 years, and I’m a Systems Engineer experienced in Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Solaris with the multitude of RISC and CISC hardware that each support under a myriad of manufacturers (Sun, Apple, Intel, AMD, Nvidia).

Over the years, I’ve written content hosted on CompuServe, America Online, BellAtlantic, and a couple of blogs. Most of my content has been lost to time, known only by the WayBack Machine (“Internet Archive”) in fragmented pieces. https://tayledras.com is my current public server, hosting a blog, wiki, with a full DevOps stack behind it hosted on a cluster of servers I run from my house.

While most of my current thoughts are efforts are hosted on Lathe of Dreams (https://tayledras.com) and the Tayledras Wiki (https://tayledras.com/wiki), I thought I’d write my first Medium article as a way of saying hello and introducing myself.

As all good programmers begin any new effort:

“Hello World”

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