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“Re-learning” the Fundamentals of Photography


Practicing with the new Canon… which isn’t easy when Sachiko was hyper and desperately wanted to run and play.

I’m trying to ween myself off AUTO and AE, return to the basics of Matrix vs Spot, practice and fine-tune my Focus, Shutter Speed, and Exposure.

I’ll need to take more “photo walks” at various times of day under different lighting conditions to practice how to quickly assess and set the camera. AUTO and AE are nice, but I know I can do far more and far better with practice.

Hopefully, they’ll only get better, but I seriously need to “read the book” and practice photography a LOT more.

Years of smartphone photography have given me a few bad habits I need to break. You can do so much more with a “real” camera, but it takes investing a little more time and talent than having the smartphone quickly do it for you.

Much like basic math or wayfinding. Calculators and GPS have rotted my ability to do arithmetic quickly or orienteering using a map and compass. 😆


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