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On this day, 22 years ago… our life began together

Victoria & Ken


On this day, on October 15th, 1998, Maria Victoria Villa Verdan met Kenneth Balogh Foreman.

Our first date was lunch together at Champps Plaza America in Reston, VA. Vicky was politely eating her lunch and using her napkin to cover her mouth each time she spoke. I thought it was the most polite and delicate thing- a radical departure from the open-mouth gawking and talking of Americans as they devour their food… Vicky later told me that she was embarrassed of her braces, and didn’t want me to see her with food stuck between her braces.

We later joined each other for coffee and a snack at Starbucks in Reston Town Center, and she was puzzled that I wanted to go for a walk with her “Why?! Everything is closed.”

Vicky didn’t realize that I wanted to spend more time with her, and that stores & restaurants closing didn’t mean I wanted our evening to end.

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