Slice-of-Life Social Commentary/Observation Social Media

“Fixing Social Media” (Rewarding Vice and Virtue)

Vice and Virtue in Social Media (Northern Public Radio)
Vice and Virtue in Social Media (Northern Public Radio)


It’s kinda crazy to see how big social media platforms just ignore their responsibility in managing content posted by their users 🫒

It feels like it’s more about the discussion of what should be a bar or not instead of actually acting or being clear.

Platforms like Gab and Parler are even worse since they just hold their hands up and push the responsibility to the users. They only remove stuff when it’s in their own face, they don’t care about others.

I want to do it differently. Our rules are clear, and we don’t care about being the biggest platform in the world. We just want a nice community without harassing, spam, and bullying.

We handle a simple general ‘rule’:

Respect is more important than saying whatever you want. Care for each other. πŸ’•

There’s a number of articles about how being a Facebook Moderator is a soul-sucking job that damages your mental health and results in trauma to your psyche.

Most social media platforms reward views, clicks, and time spent reading/interacting.

Kind and considerate posts don’t attract nearly the attention as divisive or controversial topics. Compassionate comments aren’t nearly as common as enraged ones.

It’s truly a social issue. We need to acknowledge, reward, and recognize kindness rather than rage. We need to encourage compromise rather than controversy.

None of these things have social value in social media. While cute pictures make for good memes, the real time and interaction is spent in rage-posting and comments.

I don’t know how to fix that, but we need to stop rewarding it.

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