Family Home Office Our Shetland Sheepdogs

Victoria’s New Home Office, and Soon a Baby Sister

Victoria Foreman in her new Home Office
Victoria Foreman in her new Home Office

Victoria Foreman in her new Home Office
Victoria Foreman in her new Home Office

Victoria Foreman in her new Home Office
Victoria Foreman in her new Home Office

With me working and playing all the time from my new home office, we cleaned up the guest room and I moved all my old equipment into it turning it into an office for Victoria.  She now has my old MacBook Pro and my old 37″ 21:9 4K monitor for her work and schooling.  She completed her Masters in Nursing Education (MSNE) from Western Governors University (WGU) earlier this year, so now she’s pursuing a second Master’s Degree in Nursing Informatics.

Victoria and I are planning to have our family grow this Spring.  Kiyomi and Toshiro (our two Shetland Sheepdogs) will be getting a baby sister from Carol Howell at Jade Mist Shetland Sheepdogs.  Both Kiyomi and Toshiro are Jade Mist Shelties, so their baby sister will be related.  We’re still deciding on what to name her and which Kanji to use to represent her name.

One of the names we’ve been considering is AyumiAyumi (あゆみ, アユミ) is a feminine Japanese given name. It is rarely used as a surname.

Ayumi can be written using different kanji characters and can mean:
歩み, “course” “walking” “progress”
as a given name
歩, “progress”, “walking”, “a step”
歩美, “walking, beauty”
歩実, “walking, truth”
鮎己, “sweetfish, oneself”
亜由美, “Asia, reason, beauty”
安愉海, “peaceful, pleasure, sea”
明征魅, “bright, conquer, fascination”
充裕実, “provide, abundant, truth”

歩未, “walking”, “not yet”

The given name can also be written in hiragana and katakana.
あゆみ, in hiragana
アユミ, in katakana
あゆ美, mixture of hiragana and kanji

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