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Prepping for Chemo and Radiation

Chemo & Radiation - Bald & Hairless
Chemo & Radiation – Bald & Hairless

I learned the hard way last February just how quickly heavy-dose chemo results in hair loss.Ā  I made the mistake of not shaving my head until AFTER my first week of chemo.Ā  While taking a shower, it felt like a scene out of a horror movie (maybe Stephen King’s Carrie?) as giant clumps of hair came out in my hands as I attempted to shampoo my hair.Ā  It shocked me so badly that I called out for my wife, and then shaved my head that evening.

Not wanting to repeat that experience, I shaved my head and chest this afternoon in preparation for my upcoming heavy-dose chemo and whole-body radiation.Ā  Better to exert control over what little I can than to experience such unpleasant surprises.

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