CLEANING HOUSE while Sachiko watches and listens

Being Social and Having a Life while Immunocompromised?

CLEANING HOUSE while Sachiko watches and listens

Victoria and I are talking about getting out more, socializing more, and hosting family/friends again. In the coming weeks, we’re hoping to travel (day trips), visit close friends, and host family at our house for Thanksgiving.

So, the questions become how to take reasonable precautions, how to balance health vs acceptable risks, and how to have a life again while realizing if I do get sick, it will mean a week in the hospital during Christmas and New Year’s.

To be completely honest, I’m a little burnt out on this whole repeated and lengthy stay in the hospital each year. If I can manage to make it through the holidays and into the new year without a hospital stay, it will be the FIRST in over four years.

So — how to be careful, take precautions, acceptable risk, have a life, but realize it’s going to be rough and unpleasant if I do get sick.