Tag Archives: Shelties

“Re-learning” the Fundamentals of Photography


Practicing with the new Canon… which isn’t easy when Sachiko was hyper and desperately wanted to run and play.

I’m trying to ween myself off AUTO and AE, return to the basics of Matrix vs Spot, practice and fine-tune my Focus, Shutter Speed, and Exposure.

I’ll need to take more “photo walks” at various times of day under different lighting conditions to practice how to quickly assess and set the camera. AUTO and AE are nice, but I know I can do far more and far better with practice.

Hopefully, they’ll only get better, but I seriously need to “read the book” and practice photography a LOT more.

Years of smartphone photography have given me a few bad habits I need to break. You can do so much more with a “real” camera, but it takes investing a little more time and talent than having the smartphone quickly do it for you.

Much like basic math or wayfinding. Calculators and GPS have rotted my ability to do arithmetic quickly or orienteering using a map and compass. 😆


What is Dual Pixel Auto Focus (DPAF) and how does it work?

“Little” Sachiko not-so-little at 7 months

Sachiko at 7mo

Sachiko at 7mo

Sachiko at 7 months old is not so little anymore. She has now grown larger and bigger than her older brother Toshiro (7yo) and Kiyomi (12yo).  She’s incredibly loving, loyal, and precocious, but looking more like a Collie (or large Sheltie) as she’s growing older and bigger than our two other Shelties.

Together, Kiyomi, Toshiro, and Sachiko have become a loving, loyal, and playful trio of Shelties.  All three are from Carol Howell of Jade Mist Shetland Sheepdogs.  We miss Carol deeply, but she has introduced so much love, warmth, and light into our little family and into our lives!

Sachiko at 7mo
Sachiko (7mo), Toshiro (7yo)
Sachiko (7mo), Toshiro (7yo)
Sachiko (7mo), Toshiro (7yo), Kiyomi (12yo)
Sachiko (7mo), Toshiro (7yo), Kiyomi (12yo)

“Mornings are hard!”

Toshiro and Sachiko Await Your Presence

“Mornings are hard!”

Yesterday I read that James told Richell “See you tomorrow!” as they parted ways for the day. This morning as I was biting into my bagel while Victoria left for work, she said the same. Seems that this long week and “pandemic time” means that a spouse leaves for work on Blursday and doesn’t return home until Soonsday.

It didn’t take Sachiko long to rebel against our “everyone stays quiet in their crate until fed” training. This morning she was most certainly acting up and throwing a tantrum. I warned Victoria that we’d have days like today where Sachiko regresses or acts out.

Toshirō has been deposed as Beta to Kiyomi’s Alpha as Sachiko tried pushing him out of his spot on the bed last night. Sachiko slept near the pillow at my head all night while Kiyomi slept by Vicky’s side and poor Toshiro slept on the floor.

As if our crate tantrum and Toshiro deposed weren’t enough, Sachiko decided to “pick a fight” with Kiyomi this morning and start wrestling her. Vicky grinned and hoped that Kiyomi would put Sachiko back in her place. I quietly watched. It looks like both our female Shelties are wrestling, playing, and trying to assert themselves over the other.

Sachiko backed down, Kiyomi has been sticking close to me this morning, and Toshiro is back to running Zoomies with Sachiko at an insane pace around the house.

Ken (speaking to Karen) – It didn’t take Sachiko long to rebel against our “everyone stays quiet in their crate until fed” training. This morning she was most certainly acting up and throwing a tantrum. I warned Victoria that we’d have days like today where Sachiko regresses or acts out.

Karen (speaking to Ken) – So, let’s use food here. It is not rebelling, it is more likely an extinction burst – it worked before, let’s try it again. Then they increase it in intensity to see if it will still work. If we give in, then we reinforce the behavior. Therefore, the behavior keeps going.

Behaviors that are reinforced as they happen are behaviors that are more likely to keep going.

So, pup starts barking when you are bringing food, stop and walk away. The moment pup stops barking, toss a little food. Then keep tossing food as you approach.

Sachiko barks, walk away.

Sachiko quiets, toss some food and head towards Sachiko.

Then I work towards asking my pup to be quiet a little longer each time as I bring food.

Quiet brings food, barking gets you to go away.

Welcome Home, Sachiko!

Meet Sachiko (center) with Kiyomi (left) and Toshiro (Right). Sachiko turned 8wo on Sunday (May 9th) and joined our family on Monday, May 10th, 2021.
Kiyomi’s First Day Home (8wo)
Kiyomi’s First Day Home (8wo)
Good morning! (Toshiro, Kiyomi, Sachiko)
Good morning! (Toshiro, Kiyomi, Sachiko)

You can find Kiyomi, Toshiro, and Sachiko on Facebook as:

Keeping Warm by the Radiator

Toshiro, Keeping Warm by the Radiator
Toshiro, Keeping Warm by the Radiator

When I was young, one of my most favorite places in my grandfather’s house (Mahwah, NJ) was next to the radiator. I loved sitting next to it, standing next to it, and drying off my wintry clothes on it.

40 years later, it seems that little Toshirō has taken after me in his love for the warmth and comfort of an oil-filled radiator.

The “Puppeh” Gallery (Meet our Shelties)

Meet our two Shetland Sheepdogs, Kiyomi (清美) and Tōshirō (俊郎)
…feel free to click any picture in the gallery to enlarge.