Tag Archives: Anniversary

Dearest Victoria, on our Anniversary…

Victoria and Ken on our 23rd Anniversary (16-Sep-2023)


Thank you and God bless you for 23 wonderful years together.

I cannot thank you enough for your presence, comfort, compassion, patience, endurance, and determination in our marriage together. Together, we’ve been though nearly every Happiness and Hurt, every Joy and Sorrow, and we’ve been there by each other’s side through it all.

I thank God for you and for our family we’ve raised together.

with love,
forever yours,


23 Years Ago Today…

Victoria and Ken

❝ I’ve been searching
I’ve been searching for so long
Now I’m chasing the shadows away
I’ve been trying
Yes, I tried to find my way
No more crying in the make-or-break decade.

There were times when I was down
There were times I felt so low
My whole life just seemed to be
A senseless quest for energy
But I carry your flame
All through my life, I’m a believer.

Peace deep in our hearts
All things must pass
But we’ll be together again.

I’ve been walking
I’ve been walking in the rain
When the angel of my intuition
Whispered, “Hello”
Well, I was quite surprised
To face that kind of incarnation.

Love comes always unexpected
Love strikes blind and undirected
Love is the answer
Love is all we need, my friend
Now you came and changed the weather
Now I want to live forever.

I carry your flame
All through my life, I’m your believer
Peace deep in our hearts
All things must pass
But we’ll be together again.

I carry your flame
All through my life, I’m your believer
Peace deep in our hearts
All things must pass
But we’ll be together again. ❞

—Alphaville, Flame (1997)

23 Years Later — Saturday, September 16th, 2000

Our Wedding Day – Saturday, September 16tj 2000


❝ WHAT is the value of a single mortal’s life? ❞

[ Give an answer, any answer, your answer is no more or less valid that any other answer that someone else would give. ]

❝ I am sure that thou dost believes that. ❞
❝ Very well. I am satisfied. ❞
— Withers, Baldur’s Gate III (2023)

My answer changes yearly. Sometime, my answer changes daily or even hourly. Ultimately, I think my personal value of a human life is measured by how well we live our lives and the impression we leave on others.

I am grateful for having met Victoria Foreman and for her loving presence in my life. Together we have learned from each other, grown with each other, and we still do.

Thank you for twenty-three wonderful years.

On this day, 22 years ago… our life began together

Victoria & Ken


On this day, on October 15th, 1998, Maria Victoria Villa Verdan met Kenneth Balogh Foreman.
Our first date was lunch together at Champps Plaza America in Reston, VA. Vicky was politely eating her lunch and using her napkin to cover her mouth each time she spoke. I thought it was the most polite and delicate thing- a radical departure from the open-mouth gawking and talking of Americans as they devour their food… Vicky later told me that she was embarrassed of her braces, and didn’t want me to see her with food stuck between her braces.
We later joined each other for coffee and a snack at Starbucks in Reston Town Center, and she was puzzled that I wanted to go for a walk with her “Why?! Everything is closed.”
Vicky didn’t realize that I wanted to spend more time with her, and that stores & restaurants closing didn’t mean I wanted our evening to end.

26th Month Anniversary of Cancer Survival

February 4th, 2018 – First Round of IV Chemo for Stage 4 Mantle Cell Lymphoma



Apparently, Kaiser-Permanente has been keeping track of my chemotherapy protocol, how many months it’s been since my first chemo, and told me today is the “26th Month Anniversary” since beginning chemo at Virginia Hospital Center on February 4th, 2018.

Today (17-Mar-2020) marks 26 months of chemotherapy since I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Mantle Cell Lymphoma. I’ve lost over 40 lbs and most of my body hair since this picture was taken, but I’m thankful to be with you here today.

IV Chemo at Kaiser-Permanente (Burke, VA)

Receiving the start of my 26th Month of IV Chemo while at Kaiser Permanente Burke Medical Center today.

The IV clinic felt surreal today, with every nurse gowned up and practicing extreme hygiene and distancing, all of the patients wearing N95/N99 masks at all times and practicing distancing. I wasn’t sure if it was a hospital or a scene from a Stanley Kubrick movie.

Another Day of Chemo at Kaiser-Permanente (Burke, VA)

I fall to my knees and thank God for Victoria being by my side and my constant companion these last two years. What an incredible journey this has been… and the journey continues!