Coping with Frustration, Depression, and Self-Loathing

Onwards, Ever Onwards, Iceberg Be Damned

Coping with Frustration, Depression, and Self-Loathing

If I am perceived as negative, it is because I care.

What you perceive as negativity is the result of my thorough analysis, rational self-discourse and research, and frustration that I have the awareness and intellect to see something coming but not the ability to correct or resolve it within my ability to change it.

If I were truly negative, I wouldn’t care. I wouldn’t give a shit about your opinion, your problems, your issues, your pain, your suffering, or concern myself with your well-being.

If I am negative, it is because I care. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t say anything, wouldn’t do anything, and I would willingly watch as people walked into their own self-harm or self-issues. I am passionate because I DO care. I am negative because we keep making the same mistakes, learning from none of them, and having a near-infinite churn of the same self-harming mistakes.

It hurts me.

It pains me.

I am just now learning what took a lifetime for Benjamin Balogh and Brad Lafferty to understand and try to communicate to both me and others in their lives. Having the intellect and foresight to see a disaster coming but not the ability to self-correct or avoid it results in negativity, depression, self-loathing, or the loathing of others.

I don’t want to loathe others for being too friggin’ stupid to avoid driving their ship into an effing iceberg. At least let me get off the ship before you crash it with me in it?

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2 months ago

You and I are much the same.