Another visit with Oncology

Another Visit with my Oncology Doc, and Preparations for Transplant

Just before another visit with my oncologist
I think Vicky and I are beginning to feel more excited and a bit more anxious. Dr. Dogra (my oncologist) did a fantastic job explaining and preparing us for what to expect these next few weeks. It’s going to be busy as we prepare for our stay at Johns Hopkins.
I already have eczema and psoriasis, which will be significantly irritated by my chemo and radiation. Expect me to look really rough (emaciated, scaly, and sallow) these next few months.
I’m hoping to avoid infections and illness by practicing impeccable hygiene and contact isolation for the next couple months. We’ll see how that goes… it seems everyone gets sinus infections when under chemo & radiation. I’m hoping to stay strong, enduring, and persistent throughout this… but I suspect I’ll rely heavily on Vicky to push me when I falter.
My Short Term Disability (STD) and Social Security Disability (SSD) begins Friday, February 15th. It’s expected to last 3 months or more (the duration of my stay at Hopkins).
The prospect of my chemo, radiation, and transplant is becoming a lot more real and imminent. I’m excited and anxious, but looking forward to beating this cancer! 💕
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