eton shortwave radio, Btech DMR-6X2, Yaesu VX-8DR

Working towards my FCC Amateur Radio Technician and General Class Licenses

eton shortwave radio, Btech DMR-6X2, Yaesu VX-8DR

In December 2021, I was planning to study for late December and early January to test for my FCC Amateur Radio Technician license.  Unfortunately, a week in the hospital due to cellulitis of left leg, septic shock (pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial infection), high heart rate and low blood pressure, sinus-tachycardia derailed my plans for studying and testing for my FCC license.

After a busy couple of months between work, health, and personal events/hobbies, I’m finally able to dedicate my time and focus on studying/prepping for my FCC license.  I’m reading and practicing from the ARRL study prep guides and enrolled in HamRadioPrep for the video courses and practice exams.

I’d love to tell you and show you my efforts in HAM radio soon… I’m also hoping to show my new FCC Vanity Callsign once I pass the test!

Here’s what I’m working on and practicing with:

SW Radios and Field Travel Bag
BTech DMR-6X2
Yaesu VX-8DR
Btech DMR-6X2, Yaesu VX-8DR
eton shortwave radio, Btech DMR-6X2, Yaesu VX-8DR
Software Defined Radio (SDR) and HackRF One with Portapack H2+
Software Defined Radio (SDR) and HackRF One with Portapack H2+
Software Defined Radio (SDR) and HackRF One with Portapack H2+
Software Defined Radio (SDR) and HackRF One with Portapack H2+
One of my Field Radio Bags
One of my Field Radio Bags