Margaret and Benjamin Balogh (my grandparents)

The Persistence of Memory (Loved Ones Lost)

Margaret and Benjamin Balogh (my grandparents)

: Ken, did you know you typed ‘Kiyomi and Toshiro’ on your text messages to me several times today?

KEN: No. I didn’t. Really? Maybe.

[ Ken checks text message history. ]

KEN: No kidding. I guess I was thinking of her repeatedly today even when playing with Sachiko at lunch.

VICKY: Yeah, I figured. I didn’t want to say anything.

KEN: I guess I shouldn’t feel so bad. I don’t remember when my grandmother passed. I think it was the mid-1970s, but my memory is hazy. My grandfather and I were close. I knew the password for his computer and several of his financial accounts. Do you know what his password was in 1987?

VICKY: No, what?

KEN: “margeben“, short for Marge & Ben. My grandmother was Marge, short for Margaret. More than 15 years later, he still used her name as a password for his computer and his security.

VICKY: I can see that. We never truly forget the ones we love. Their names and memories live on.