Victoria & Ken at Virginia Hospital Center

Another Stay in the Hospital

Victoria & Ken at Virginia Hospital Center

I spent the last two days at Virginia Hospital Center after being admitted with a fever of 104℉ with chills, runny nose, and coughing.

With a temperature of 104℉, the doctors thought I had a viral infection rather than a bacterial infection. I was told that viral infections result in higher body temperatures.

They swabbed me twice for COVID, doing a PCR test each time, both were negative. They swabbed me for a panel of viruses, and it came back positive for HPIV.

Victoria and I never heard of Human Parainfluenza Viruses (HPIVs), but they’re common in children. Since I’m post-BMT and effectively have the immune system of a juvenile, I’m prone to childhood diseases.

I was able to go home yesterday afternoon, but I’m told to monitor it, be careful, and follow up with multiple tests for my WBC, ANC, and Platelets.

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2 years ago

Get well soon! Praying for comfort and relief!