Our Wedding Day - Saturday, September 16tj 2000

23 Years Later — Saturday, September 16th, 2000

Our Wedding Day – Saturday, September 16tj 2000


❝ WHAT is the value of a single mortal’s life? ❞

[ Give an answer, any answer, your answer is no more or less valid that any other answer that someone else would give. ]

❝ I am sure that thou dost believes that. ❞
❝ Very well. I am satisfied. ❞
— Withers, Baldur’s Gate III (2023)

My answer changes yearly. Sometime, my answer changes daily or even hourly. Ultimately, I think my personal value of a human life is measured by how well we live our lives and the impression we leave on others.

I am grateful for having met Victoria Foreman and for her loving presence in my life. Together we have learned from each other, grown with each other, and we still do.

Thank you for twenty-three wonderful years.

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